What is striker glass?
Striker glass is glass that changes color during the heating and cooling process. Striking refers to the color change that occurs in colored glass as it is heated and cooled and rewarmed. it has 3 parts. reset, cool and warm. Heating the glass up to molten temps, resets the glass from the production heating process and it usually turns clear, erasing the thermal history. The heat within the glass causes the color change to yellows, reds, oranges, ambers, and transparent dark brown. After the glass has cooled, but not gotten cold, the glass is rewarmed to lower temps, and the purples, blues and greens appear. This is the true struck color of the glass.
Here is an example of some of my glass jewelry components before and after color striking. It is dichroic glass patterns on a solid color piece of glass, with a clear piece of glass on top to add depth. Here is the before and after pictures.
If you want a more technical explanation, there are many online articles that explain it in great detail much better than I can. Please check out this link to Double Helix Glassworks post at https://doublehelixglassworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/StrikingGuide51.pdf to learn more about how and why glass strikes.